.. GITA 1

Gita 1

This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. Its my third year of computer science. I enjoy coding becuase it is fun and uses creativity.

About Page


This is my first project. In this project I learned how to use buttons and how to change text. Each student in my class told a little about themselves through this project.

Mailing Label


Mailing Label was a project that I learned to change different features even more. I learned how to change colors of text, background colors, and images.

Car Rental


Car Rental is a fun project were I learned about radio buttons and their use. I practiced the skills that I learned from Mailing Label and About Page as well as using lots of math to calculate the cost of different car things.



BMI project used lots of math and formulas. This project also taught me how to calculate different height and weight formulas for calculating, and Try/Catch to make sure the user input is not incorrect.

Car Rental Upgrade


Car Rental Upgrade was a harder project to code then Car Rental becuase it is a upgraded version of it. Car Rental Upgrade has more formulas, math, and overall code (text, buttons, labels, and other) involved.

Triangle Checker


Triangle Checker is a checker to see if a Triangle that was inputed is a valid Triangle. This checker checks what angle the Triangle is and it's percent of Isosceles, Equilateral, and Scalene that the Triangle is. I think that this project was one of our most math involved project (probably in the top three).

Craps Games


Craps Games is a game which involves points and rolling dice. This game is fun to play and to code. Craps Games is all about luck!

Slot Machine


Slot Machine is a program of your average slot machine. This project has three pictures that you hope will match. Every time you spin the grand prize from winning (getting three images) increases. For each image their is a different grand prize. To play though you have to enter money for betting (you can lose this money or get a lot more money).

Robotic Over Under


Robotic Over Under is a program meant for the Robotic Competetion for 2023. In this program I calculated many different scores for the competetion. These scores all showed in a menu that showed the result and who won. I think this project was the number one math involved project.