GITA Relflections
I learned a lot last year coding C#. I learned how to code C# as well as improving my knowledge of how to code in more condensed and concice ways.
This year I am hoping to learn all of html & css. I hope that I get better at designing and making good UI. I look forward to making games and expanding my view of the coding world.
In my humble opinion, I think that the GITA program is great if you want to code anything for a job or other. GITA helps you expand your creativity and the teachers (Mr. Salesky and Mr. Le) offer great assistance and guidance throughout your coding journey. You truely learn a lot trough GITA (even some math). I definitely recommend it.
Future Aspirations
My intended academic plan is to take the most classes in high school that I can to get ahead for college (including AP classes in both Junior year and Senior year). I want to become a software engineer when I am older. I like to code so I think I would personally love this job. Steps that I will take to insure that I do indeed become a software engineer is that I will take all of GITA 1, 2, 3, and 4. I will take a online or in person coding class my senior year and I will make sure to aplly to a four year college that suits my job to be a software engineer.
AP Classes
Currently I am inlisted in one AP class as a Freshman (AP CompSci). I will take more in the future.
Extracurricular Activities
I am not in any clubs or community service as of now. Later this year I am hoping to get involved and join the pickleball club if I can as a Freshman. Besides joining the pickleball club I am also actively involved in church.